Five Tips to Magnetize Your Book Website With Benefits
Presented by Author JohnEgreek
in conjunction with The Wannabe Book Launch Series

What will make your home page interesting? Good design plays an important part in your site’s overall effectiveness. But it’s not the flash that will interest your audience. It’s not the jingles that will connect with your visitor. It’s the benefits – the ‘what’s in it for me’ list that creates interest and even desire. As this picture depicts, let passion lead them to your website.
Would you like to create a magnetic home page, one that magnetizes your visitors? Webster’s Dictionary defines magnetic as ‘powerfully attractive.’ Bestselling author JohnEgreek believes you should always put the needs of your audience first and long before your interest in yourself. Your website should address what’s in it for them more than what’s in it for me. The same goes all book marketing whether it be your blog posts, your podcasts, your social media, your videos or image posts. Readers will become more attracted to you if you’re not selling but you are speaking to them and their needs.
What will make your home page interesting? Make it Magical. Good design plays an important part in your site’s overall effectiveness. But it’s not the flash that will interest your audience. It’s not the jingles that will connect with your visitor. It’s the benefits – the ‘what’s in it for them’ list that creates interest and desire. Create a home page filled with benefits and it will pull your visitors in. What you say your product/service can do is much more attractive than a beautiful web page with weak copy.

Promote with benefits instead of your bio, your credentials and even the features of your product/service. Put them in their proper place on your site. But your audience will most want to know the value of your product to them.
You must answer questions like, “Will it solve my particular problem?” “What will I gain?” “What will I lose if I don’t use your service?” Some universal benefits answer the how tos: getting more passion, more energy, less fatigue, more money, good relationships, more time, less trouble, less stress, less drama and trauma. Here’s a quick tutorial on magnetizing your home page:
1. Develop a list of 10-20 benefits of each product and/or service. For example, a client of mine realized her audience didn’t just want to know how to get articles written, they wanted to know why should they write them?
So on the home page selling her article writing ebook, she started with a list of good reasons to write short articles to promote: For the serious marketer this ebook explains step by step how to promote your business, build a gigantic Opt-In List, increase your traffic, get qualified links, increase your page rank, grow your affiliate base, become a recognized expert, and collar more sales.
2. Be specific. List specific benefits. Describe how your customer will feel after buying your product. For example, after you buy my service of teeth whitening, you’ll look and feel 10 years younger without plastic surgery. Then post a picture of what your client looks like before and after the teeth whitening service. Let them see how happier and more confident they look with whiter teeth. Make your page magnetic with specific benefits.

3. Let the passion for your topic show in your marketing copy. Which arouses your interest more? “A 9-Step Power Plan to decimate and dominate the Consultant’s Marketplace” or “The 9-Step Plan to Become a Better Consultant.” “How to Convert More Buyers Into Customers” or “How to use the ‘FTP’ factor to pull amazing clickthrough rates that most marketers will only dream about!” Magnetize your web page with passion that creates desire and sales with your audience.
4. Develop the skill of writing headlines. Provocative titles will stir interest. Provocative statements capture our attention like a fish on a hook. They throw out the baited hook and reel a captive audience in every time. The shocking statement ‘Wives Who Don’t Want Sex’ even if they don’t have this problem will get the attention of the curious.
Use the Command statement for an immediate effect, ‘Become an Internet Millionaire!” Even if it’s a well-worn claim, it still captures a large share of attention. Don’t forget the power of the simple ‘How To” information title. It alerts your audience that the information that follows will be simple and easy to digest. Capture the attention of your audience with a home page filled with magnetic headlines.
5. Give your links the power of benefits. We have added magnetic pulling power to our bulleted list, headlines, and titles. It’s all good. But there’s one more area that will give your home page even more pulling power. I got this tip from Allen Says’ “The War Report.” Many unseasoned site owners create links that say things like, “Get your FREE ebook here!” or “Sign-up for our FREE ezine!”
When first exposed to this tip, all I could say was, “Ouch!” I know my sites were filled with links like that. Perhaps we thought the magic word was FREE and people would automatically click on it and download. The truth is ‘Free ezine” tells our audiences nothing. Impart life to all your links with benefits. Those left over benefits and titles you developed earlier in this article. Review each link and pretend you have to get every visitor to click on it.
Don’t wait. If you wait you could be starting the next year without the explosive sales and traffic your site deserves. You have invested time and perhaps money into making your site the best it can be. Now, create a magnetic home page by giving your bulleted lists, headlines and links to the power of benefits. Magnetize your home page and prosper!
Who is Author JohnEgreek? In his words…

I help Aspiring and already Published Authors Build a Dynamite Book Launch to increase exposure, increase sales and to become a book marketing Wizard. I help you stop throwing good money at bad results, while you’re hoping this will be the Best Book Launch ever! Or, maybe you’ve already published your book and you want to know how to make more sales? Right?
You might be thinking all you need is a great book? Or, maybe a strong Social Media Marketing Plan will suffice? Maybe a free or paid book promotion will work? How about Email Marketing? How does that play into your book launch plan? What about a video strategy? You might be thinking getting a few influencers lined up to promote will do it all for you?
I know what you’re thinking. This guy is just another Bestselling Author promising his book launch process works best. Now What? When you finished writing your book you thought that was all you needed to get book sales, right?
Sure, maybe the first week you get a few sales and then everything falls flat and sales either stop coming in or you get only one or two per week. Worse than that, you’re bombarded with “I can get your more sales pitches, asking you to throw more good money for more bad results.
So let me change things up for you today. I’ve been working with Authors for more than seven years in the Book Publishing and the Marketing world. As a self-published author myself, I found that writing my books is the easy part. The real work begins with marketing. Most publishers know how to get your book published, but the marketing belongs to you, or they provide you little guidance as to how to get more sales. One Author I worked with calls me “The Wizard Behind the Curtain.” However, I think of myself more as the Wizard in Front of the Curtain, because we all know the Wizard Behind the Curtain was the Wizard of OZ, and he was and is not real.
As the Wizard in front of the Curtain, I enjoy helping Authors succeed. I’ve done the research and I know what you need to have a greater experience at getting your book or books sold.
You can get Tips and Tricks from the Wizard in front of the Curtain, Author JohnEgreek today by just sending a quick email to