Welcome to the Magical World of Author JohnEgreek!
Author JohnEgreek is known in the Book Writing World, the Book Publishing World and the Book Marketing World as the Wizard in Front of the Curtain.
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The Wannabe Book Launch Series is the vault for our flagship eCourse Program known as, Let's create an Epic Book Launch. It is projected to be the home of over 30 courses coming to help authors increase book sales and their author brand as we show them how to create an epic book launch..
Meta Home Publishing Company offers various services helping the self-published author in editing your books, formatting your books and /or publishing your books on multiple platforms.
Calling all authors! Would you like to have your eBooks added to our Sqrindle eBook Store where you set the price and make 100% royalties. If you'd like to have your ebook added, all we need you to check our website https://authorshowcase.johnegreek.com Remember, we sell your ebooks 24/7 and you make 100% Royalties?
Welcome to The Wannabe Series Author Showcase. This site has been created to bring more attention to your Author Platform, your books and any services or products you may offer. This site is built to bring awareness to the Author's we support as well as their Author Brand. We provide a new innovative way for the author sell more books and receive 100% of the Royalty by selling the books directly to the buyer in multiple ways.
Listen to the Podcast related to The Mortal Wounds Series
New Episodes coming soon. For now, listen to earlier Podcasts conducted with Pat Rullo from Speakuptalkradio.com. Learn what a Mortal Wound is and how to recognize it.
John Hodgkinson here, owner of J&B Income Tax Preparation since 1982. My gosh, 40 years in business now. Do you need your taxes done? I do tax returns for individuals, families, business owners and authors. Thanks to Covid-19, everything, even your tax records can be handled digitally. I've an IRS Registered Tax Preparer and can do taxes in all states.
A Glimpse of Author Johnegreek
Learn more about Author JohnEgreek in the following Video. If you stayed to he end of the video, The Wizard Behind the Curtain was expected to launch in 2021, now delayed unil sometime in the summer or fall of 2023. Why you ask, "So we can demonstrate the Power of Creating an Epic Book Launch."
Meta Home Publishing Company
Meta Home Publishing

Publish your Books!
Did you know Author JohnEgreek has a Book Publishing Company? That's right! His services include editing, proofreading, Interior Book Formatting, Book Cover Creation and Publishing Services for Authors. We help to design your book catered to your needs, while creating your heart's desire. We also offer pubishing services to KDP.com (Amazon), Ingramspark.com for Global Distribution and now on Sqrindle where you make 100% Royalties.
The Wannabe Book Launch Series
Coming this Spring, 2023. The Series will consist of multiple experiential eCourses with a compatible eBook, workbook, checklists and more.... Stay in touch and see what you'll show you, not teach you as a Wannabe, a Soon-to-be or an already published Author about how to create an Epic, that's right, an Epic Book Launch.
John Hodgkinson
- Author JohnEgreek -
“I am John Hodgkinson aka Author JohnEgreek, known in the Book Writing World, Book Publishng World and Book Marketing World as the Author in Front of the Curtain. Why in front of the curtain you may be asking? Let's face it, we all know the Wizard behind the Curtain was the Wizard of Oz, and he was and is NOT real. Author JohnEgreek is real and for the last seven years I have published five books, three in English and two in Spanish. My curtain mission in life is to help authors creat an Epic Book Launch with the addition of The Wannabe Book Launch Series. This program will help to improve authors book sales and marketing skills. I love working with Authors. My Mantra for life, as an author, as an entreprenuer and as a person, "I like to make people smile."
Book Launch Strategy Blog
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tHE mortal wounds series
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what people say

In his book, "Grandma's Secret Blessings," Author JohneEgreek aka John Hodgkinson brilliantly showcases how guided and determined self-healing processes can heal your inner, wounded-child. As he narrates and creatively paints beautiful and picturesque stories for the reader to experience his journey, you gain the power in affirmations, prayers, and visualizations. You also discover the secret to the ultimate reality that "we hold the key" to our own healing by releasing the traumas and pain. To find out how -- I encourage you to read this book cover to cover and not stop unless done. This book is for anyone who deep in their core believes that there is a way out of the suffering, misery, and loneliness that you still have in your life. Talk about healing generations -- John has made it his life purpose of guiding people how to tap into their powers to "transcend and go beyond." Trust me, you will be wonderfully inspired. ~ Gagan Sarkaria, High Achievement Wellness &BusinessCoach, Chinese Astrology Master & Energy Healer | https://www.gagansarkaria.com/ says, Author JohnEgreek weaves tradition, love, abuse and the past in with the present like a painter bringing it all together with artful brush strokes. To edit "Grandma's Secret Blessings, A memoir with a Twist," I gained beautiful insight into Greek traditions and family life. I feel John's willingness as a writer to share his vulnerability makes his heart wrenching story all the more powerful. ~ Karen Collyer Intuitive Author and Editor. ~ Gagan Sarkaria
Gagan Sarkaria
Wellness and Business Coach

In a courageous and vulnerable memoir, the author shares brutally honest stories from his turbulent and traumatic childhood. This is not a simple recounting, and though it brought me to tears in parts, it left me with some beautiful lessons and a tonne of hope. It brought my own, now passed, grandparents to mind with lots of beautiful memories. The thoughtful reflections show a soul ready, willing and able to make his difference in the world, and encouraged me to take some time to look at my own life.