Wisdom from the Wounded Healer
Book One
The Mortal Wounds Series®

Have you ever wondered if each of us has an identifiable Life Purpose?
Award-Winning and Best-Selling Author JohnEgreek has been asking that question since he was nine years old, soon after the death of his grandfather. At 68 years of age, he never would have dreamed that it would be revealed to him as he was writing the climax to his first book, “Grandma’s Secret Blessing, A Memoir with a Twist.”
One night while conducting a webinar while working as a project coordinator for a small publishing company, one of the other authors in the program said to afterwards in a text message, “John, are you okay. You look as if something is weighing heavy on your mind? A few minutes later they jumped on a zoom meeting to talk further. During the course of the discussion, she said to him, you have some deeply rooted wounded children, hidden deep within your psyche. You need to learn how to live with them and how to heal your wounds She then gave him a few suggestions how to do it…and he did.
A few months later he’s working with one of his spiritual Teachers Shifu Gagan Sarkaria. She was giving him the results of his life-map readings. During the course of the discussion, she talks about his life journey and his life lessons to to the extent telling him things he never knew about himself.
She then says, “John, you realize you have lived this horrible life, filled with hate, anger, guilt, fear and sorrow with a father who has hated you since the very first day you were born and still hates you today, is for a higher calling, don’t you?”
He looks at her with total amazement and perks up when she says, “You were born to be a Wounded Healer.”
Two weeks after hearing her words, Astrologer Cindy Roggeman, an author he’s working with in helper her get her book published, does an astrological reading. She just ask for his date and time of birth. A few days later they meet up on zoom. During the course of reading him the results she tells him, “Your natal chart reveals that you were born in the House of Chiron, the home of the Wounded Healer.”
These three synchronistic events, in the span of less than three months changed his life forever.
Soon after healing the identified 31 wounded children buried deep within his psyche, he awakes one early morning with a message from the Divine. From message he hears the two words that change his life forever. Mortal Wounds.
Over the course of the next two nights, he wakes up tirelessly with over 55 book titles of identified wounded children. That list has grown since then to over 71 titles. He paid close attention to what it is he is supposed to do, so he decides to trademark the book series as The Mortal Wounds Series®.
There has been very little written regarding the Wounded Child. Most of the world would raise doubt that this is a calling, but Author JohnEgreek has put the Law of Action to work. Wisdom from the Wounded Healer is Book One, the introduction to The Mortal Wounds Series®.
As a Wounded Healer the author takes on the cherished, yet divine role to bring these stories to life. With guidance from the Divine, it is his intention that Readers and Wounded Children around the globe will come to recognize, that they too have or have had a Wounded Child hidden deep within their psyche.